July 11, 2019KBET, Kevin Wall Radio 07/11/2019 – Hour 2Megan Barth discusses the growing political extremism and antisemitism in the Democrat party.
July 11, 2019KBET, Kevin Wall Radio 07/11/2019 – Hour 3Megan discusses the upcoming ICE raids scheduled for this upcoming Sunday.
July 10, 2019KBET, Kevin Wall Radio 07/10/2019 – Hour 2Pat Casale talks local business, healthcare and the Nevada GOP.
July 10, 2019KBET, Kevin Wall Radio 07/10/2019 – Hour 3Pat talks to callers about American pride, disrespecting the flag, and more.
July 9, 2019KBET, Kevin Wall Radio 07/09/2019 – Hour 2FIFA Womens Soccer World Cup Census/Voting Machines Trump
July 3, 2019KBET, Kevin Wall Radio 07/03/2019 – Hour 2Chuck Muth (Citizen Outreach) talks about Review Democratic President Debates. Megan Barth talks about Which Presidential Candiate will break out of the Pack
July 3, 2019KBET, Kevin Wall Radio 07/03/2019 – Hour 3Jim Yoder talks about Crazy California Politics
July 2, 2019KBET, Kevin Wall Radio 07/02/2019 – Hour 3Michael Schaus (NPRI)- Talks about The Teacher Union and The Debates